We understand that you are very busy and may not wish to participate in this survey. If you would like to opt out of this survey, please click the 'Opt Out' button below to opt out of survey participation.
If you have any questions about this survey effort, you may e-mail us at
Welcome to the National Student Activity Survey.
Thank you for taking the time to share your opinions!
Davis Research, a public opinion research firm, is conducting a national study to better understand
how families make decisions about their children's education and extracurricular activities.
Quick & Easy - The survey takes about
10 to 12 minutes to complete.
Confidential & Secure - Your responses will be
kept private and reported only in summary form.
Earn a Gift Card - As a thank-you, eligible participants will receive a
gift card (Visa, Starbucks or Amazon).
To begin, we just need to ask a
few general questions to confirm eligibility.
Please enter your ID below and click "Enter" to begin the brief questionnaire.
Please click "Enter" to begin the brief questionnaire. If you would like to resume/finish the survey that you had previously started, please click Enter and you will resume where you left off.